While the world around me feels crazy, today I am thankful for the really good people in my life.
Ordinary, everyday people.
And their simple acts of kindness.
Who give of their time to make a difference.
Who give of their resources to help another.
Stepping forward.
Doing what they can.
Well, it’s just the right thing to do.
Intellectually, I know for every act of hate or violence there are hundreds of acts of goodness and kindness that go unreported and too often unnoticed, but today I needed something more than an intellectual understanding. I needed to know it in a different way. I needed to see it face to face.
So, to those who said to me today…
It is the least I could do.
How can I help?
Will this make a difference?
Thank you.
Because of you I will take a deep breath and find a way to take the next step.