I went for a walk today
On my favorite dirt road
Following the mountain stream
As it made its way down
From here to there
Eventually to the ocean.
I walked under a canopy of yellow and gold.
Maple trees
And Beech
Showing off their fall colors.
Every once in a while the wind would blow
And the leaves I had been admiring above me a moment before
Would suddenly be dancing around me
Bringing their beauty close enough to touch.
I am deeply aware
Of what a privilege it is
To walk in peace
And to be surrounded by unspeakable beauty.
Sunset Point
Years ago, when we lived for a while in Wisconsin, we enjoyed vacationing in Door County. Door County is the thin strip of land which extends from just south of Green Bay out into Lake Michigan. In one of the communities, there was a small park named Sunset Point. As I remember it, you walk down a short path through the trees to get to a simple park which overlooks the water. Each evening people would gather at Sunset Point, sitting on the few benches or on the grass to watch, you guessed it, the sunset. One evening while we were there, a young couple walked down the path to the beach, looked around for a moment at all of us just sitting there quietly watching the sun, and said, with a touch of disgust in their voice, “Is this all there is?” They then turned around and walked away.
Is this all there is?
The sun setting.
Just like it has done everyday for eons.
Just like it will do today.
And do again tomorrow.
And, do again the day after that.
So ordinary.
And yet, so extraordinary and breathtakingly beautiful.
It makes me wonder…
How much of our lives are like that.
So ordinary.
And yet so extraordinary and breathtakingly beautiful.
Vermont Spring
It seems like only yesterday there was snow
And the ground so soggy
You were forced to pick your way.
But today the trees
Which long ago
Had shrugged off the beauty of the early winter snows
To stand bare and brown against the sky
Begin to show their true colors.
The willows, yellow.
The white birch, brown
The maple, red and burnt yellow.
In many ways I am a creature of habit.
Up early.
Put the dog out.
Start the coffee.
Feed the dog.
Get the paper.
By this time the coffee is ready.
Morning news.
The only problem is the morning news is so offensive.
I finish reading and I feel more disgusted than informed.
And, so my day begins.
Maybe it is time I change my routine.
What about this?
Put the dog out.
Start the coffee.
Get the paper.
But then, instead of the news…
Sit for a few minutes outside allowing the early morning to seep into my soul. Instead of the news, take five or ten minutes to read something inspiring or thought-provoking. Something that will feed my mind and spirit instead of leaving me either angry or my stomach in knots. Pick up my journal and list 10 things for which I am grateful pausing long enough to say Thank you.
I will still need to face the news.
The inhumanity.
The pettiness.
The greed.
The violence and hatred.
But, it will have to wait.
Until after I have taken a few moments
To see the beauty.
And, to drink in the gift of the day.
And to be reminded of goodness and grace.
And lean into the dreams and insights of those who share this journey with me.
Thank you, God, for this fall day.
Warm sun
Cool breeze.
Mist rising like a mystery off the glass like water I see on my morning walk.
Dew, almost, but not quite frost, clinging to each blade of grass.
Catching and showing off the brilliance of the early morning sun.
The first trace of color in the leaves on the tree across the lake.
Tease me with just a hint of what will soon be.
I pause to take it all in.
At least as much of it as I can.
Holding my breath against the beauty.
A Prayer: #GodIsWonderful
From Brexit to Syria to Ghana to West Virginia
The headlines in the news breaks our hearts.
And cause us to shake our heads in disbelief and despair.
Even so, O God,
We dare not
And chose not
Turn away from the hurt and heartbreak and injustice of the world.
For we are called, in whatever ways we are able, to heal and to help
And to bend that long arc of history in the direction of justice.
But those headlines
And that heartbreak
Are not the whole story,
Are they, O God?
For each act of hate
And for every moment of heartbreak,
A thousand acts of goodness go unnamed and unnoticed.
So, let us lift our heads and open our eyes
To see and to claim and to name the goodness which surrounds us.
The beauty of the earth.
The everyday kindness of people.
The laughter and delight of children.
The vision of youth.
The gift of growing older.
That having seen
We might help tip your creation in the direction of goodness.