I spent part of this afternoon Christmas shopping. The old fashion way. Going from store to store. With my list in my pocket. And checking it, at least, twice. Between where I had been and where I was headed to next I saw them. At an … [Read more]
Thanksgiving 2023
Thanksgiving. I am all for giving thanks. For family. For friends. For food enough. For a home. For freedom. For so much more. But I am aware that is the easy part. The first step. My heart tells me that a life of gratitude is about more … [Read more]
Paying the Price
With all of the headlines in the news, here is what I have been thinking about. Those with the least power... Those whose life energy goes towards the needs of today. Those whose world is the street on which they live. Those who are ordinary, and … [Read more]
Beyond the Headlines
A couple days ago I read this blog post by Seth Godin. I don't remember when or why I first subscribed to his blog, but with some regularity his reflections offer an insight and/or put words to a partially formed thought hiding in the back of my … [Read more]
Thoughts and Prayers
Another day. Another mass shooting. We… Or, at least, I… Can barely keep up. If we were really praying Really sending our thoughts and prayers We would be down on our knees Nearly every minute of every day. But we are not. We send our … [Read more]
Dear Mr. Holt
Lester Holt is a journalist and the anchor of the NBC Nightly News. Dear Mr. Holt, When I watch the evening news, it is the NBC Nightly News on which you serve as the anchor. I appreciate the image you project, which I assume to be genuine, of … [Read more]