It feels like too much because it is.
Neighbors losing jobs they depend on to support their families.
Twenty year olds given access to secure government computers.
Programs which work to stem the tide of disease
Or feed the desperately hungry
Suddenly shut down.
And that is only a drop in the bucket.
Maybe only a drop in the ocean.
Because a bucket is too small.
I can’t do much about the big stuff.
Right now I have to hope that lawyers and lawsuits and courts can step up and help.
Right now I have to hope that a handful of Representatives and Senators find the courage to say “Enough.”
Though that hope feels futile.
I don’t have to acquiesce.
I can still do the small stuff.
I can still go to the store run and staffed by immigrants.
I can smile at them and say Thank you.
I can support those organizations which do the big stuff I can’t do.
I can put a sign in my yard to let my neighbors know who I am and what I believe.
I can stay connected to communities which remind me I am not alone.
I can…
I can…
I can…
Maybe right now that is the best I can do.
Keep saying I can.
And reminding myself
And you
That right now even the small things matter.
The small things have probably always mattered.
That I will not give in.
And, I will not give up.
Very good points. This is a very disheartening time.