Years ago, when we lived for a while in Wisconsin, we enjoyed vacationing in Door County. Door County is the thin strip of land which extends from just south of Green Bay out into Lake Michigan. In one of the communities, there was a small park named Sunset Point. As I remember it, you walk down a short path through the trees to get to a simple park which overlooks the water. Each evening people would gather at Sunset Point, sitting on the few benches or on the grass to watch, you guessed it, the sunset. One evening while we were there, a young couple walked down the path to the beach, looked around for a moment at all of us just sitting there quietly watching the sun, and said, with a touch of disgust in their voice, “Is this all there is?” They then turned around and walked away.
Is this all there is?
The sun setting.
Just like it has done everyday for eons.
Just like it will do today.
And do again tomorrow.
And, do again the day after that.
So ordinary.
And yet, so extraordinary and breathtakingly beautiful.
It makes me wonder…
How much of our lives are like that.
So ordinary.
And yet so extraordinary and breathtakingly beautiful.