Years ago, when my family lived in Wisconsin, one our favorite vacation destinations was Door County. Door County is the finger of land that extends out from the city of Green Bay into Lake Michigan. If you love the outdoors, Door County is the definition of beauty. Bay on one side. Lake Michigan on the other. Lakes and forests and small towns in between. Our family hiked and swam and explored during the day, but in the evening we would find a spot along the shore and watch the sunset.
One of the small towns actually had a small park named Sunset Point. A small grassy area along the bay and a short walk down a path from the parking lot, it was a wonderful location to watch the sun set. Whenever we could, we made our way to Sunset Point where we gathered with other sunset lovers sitting quietly as together we watched the sun go down and night descend. One evening when we were there, another family walked down down to the clearing and looked around. Then, in a tone of voice that was a mixture of disappointment and disgust, the father broke our silence when he said, “It is only a sunset.”
Only a sunset?
Look at it!
The mystery and miracle of a nondescript star and a small planet locked in an incredible day-in, day-out dance which they have preformed over and over again for more years than any of us can really imagine that not only produces an startling array of colors, but spawns life.
Your life.
My life.
All life.
Yesterday was Earth Day.
And, today is as well.
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