In the car today I listened to a program about European countries pushing back against giant US tech companies – Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others. In part because the influence of these companies is so great it is beginning to impact those countries’ culture and customs. I never thought about that. I just click the Google icon and type in what I am looking for. But, as I listened to the program, I realized there is so much I have never had to think about.
A colleague, an African-American pastor of a neighboring congregation, shares that he no longer shops in one particular store because each time he has gone in he has been shadowed by one of the store’s employees. I have never had the think about that.
Many years ago, a friend who had been a camp counselor with me and was wonderful with the campers in his care shared with me that he was gay, but couldn’t tell anyone because he was afraid of what others would think and that he might lose his job. I have never had to think about that.
At times, a neighboring Jewish congregation has had to hire a police officer to be present during their services because of their concern about antisemitism in our communities. I have never had to think about that.
Following the terrorist attack in Paris last fall, Muslim neighbors shared how concerned they were about the push back against them and their children and their mosque even though they were as outraged by the violence and terrorism as I was. I have never had to think about that.
She graduates from her high school with honors and is recognized both within the school and the community for her academic accomplishments and ability, but wonders if she will be able to attend college because she moved here when she was a child and she and her parents are undocumented. I have never had to think about that.
There is much I have never had to think about.