Over the last couple of days, the contrast on my social media feeds has been stark.
On one hand is the political rhetoric of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
On the other hand is the remembered witness of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
One panders to our fear.
The other reminds us of hope.
One points out our differences and all that separates us.
The other reminds us of our common goals and our shared humanity.
One does its best to set us against them whoever the them is.
The other does its best to remind us we are all in this together.
Words matter.
They both reflect and shape our reality.
They can either reinforce the narrowness of our stereotypes
Or call us to something more.
Something better.
So, which set of words describe the community and the country in which you want to live?
Which describe the community or country in which you would like to raise your children?
I know my choice.
What is yours?
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