The story goes like this…
Once upon a time, a preacher ran through the streets of the city shouting, “We must put God in our lives. We must put God in our lives.” Upon hearing him, a wise, old woman who spent much of her time sitting in the city plaza observing what was happening around her and watching those who past by said, “Sir, with all due respect, you are wrong. You see, God is already in our lives. Our task is to simply recognize it.”
Whether the word you use/the understanding your have is…
God or Spirit or Allah or The Holy or Ground of Being or Higher Power or whatever, the story is true. God is already here.
Already within you. Already among us.
All we have to do is to recognize it.
But, that is the hard part, right?
The recognition.
Taking the time…
Having the eyes…
To see.
In the midst of the busyness and the responsibility or the challenges of life as it is for us it is, sometimes it is hard to see what is around us or within us or between us. But, even if we don’t “see,” for whatever reason in the particular moment that we have right now, maybe we can remember the wisdom of old woman in the plaza and still claim the knowledge that God is present.
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