Why should my taxes pay for those children?
My children have already graduated.
Why should my taxes help pay for roads in Alabama?
I never drive there.
Why should I pay for tax credits that company?
They are not in my town.
Why should my money bail them out?
That is not my bank.
Why should my taxes go to support programs in that state?
I don’t live there.
Why should I care about their water?
Mine is fine.
Why should I care if those children are hungry?
My children aren’t.
Why should my insurance cover women who are pregnant?
My wife is not.
Why should my insurance cover women who don’t want to get pregnant?
Not my problem.
Why should insurance which you help to pay for include coverage for the surgery I am scheduled to have next week?
Because we are in this together.
And, for me being in it together, overrides the differences we have.
I don’t agree with the politics of the governor of Kentucky, but some part of the money I make and the taxes I pay go to support the citizens in his state. The same is true of West Virginia and Indiana and Alabama and Wisconsin. Want to check it out. Here is the article.
I believe in the idea of the common good.
I believe that the better educated all our children are the better off we are as a nation.
I believe the least number of people who are hungry the better off we are as a nation.
I believe the less number of people who are in jail the better off we are as a nation.
I believe the more people who have health insurance and who can see a doctor when they need to the better off we are as a nation.
I don’t agree with the position we can’t afford it.
We chose not to.
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