Yesterday, I read these two articles back to back.
The first held up a mirror reflecting back to us who we have become.
Fearful of each other.
The second reminded us (me?) of who we might be.
Better together.
Stronger together.
Together even though and even when we disagree.
The first article put words to my discouragement.
Not just at a national level with our current political partisanship and presidential campaigns, but right here where I live. Just down the street. Somehow permission has been given that whenever we disagree with another’s decision or position, we believe it is appropriate and that we have the right to call them names or to call into question, in whatever terms we would like, their motives or character.
Our communities, to say nothing of our nation, are being torn apart.
Most people I know are disgusted by what they see and read and experience.
But, nothing is done.
It only seems to get worse.
And, then there is the second article.
A reminder of the importance of our social fabric.
A reminder that I am better when we are better.
I am stronger when we are stronger.
I found myself nodding in agreement as I read it.
But, here is what I wonder.
Is what David Brooks wrote merely wishful thinking or a signpost indicating we are beginning to see and to recognize who and what we have become and the first step in turning the corner towards who we would like to be?
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