Teach us to pray, O God.
To match intent with action and concern with compassion.
Linking both our prayers and our lives to Your grand dream
Of healing and hope; Of peace and purpose;
Which is meant for us and for all.
Teach us to pray, O God, as we remember the world in which we live.
With its rich diversity and breathtaking beauty.
In whose presence all we can do is add our whispered Thank you. But alongside that we also refuse to turn away from the heartache and the suffering experienced by too many of Your children, O God.
And so we pray for all who find themselves in need this day.
For the stranger in our midst;
For the refugee with no home;
For those whose lives are marred and torn apart by violence or hatred or abuse. For those who are broken and in need of healing or hope or comfort. Lord, hear our prayer.
And, having prayed with and for others, we pray also for ourselves.
For those broken places in our own lives and with deep gratitude for all in our lives which moves towards wholeness and which is good and kind and faithful. Meet us where we are, O God and then turn us more faithfully towards Your Kingdom come and lead us towards that something more to which you call us.
Lord, teach us to pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.
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