“Insanity,” Albert Einstein said,
“Is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Which means that if I don’t like the results I am getting…
Or if I want something different to happen…
I have to risk something new.
I have to take a chance.
And that is the problem, right?
Risking something new?
Which also means that it (whatever it is or the new I try) might fail.
Which then too quickly translates into “I am a failure.”
And, who really wants to be a failure?
It also means giving up what I know.
What has been comfortable for so long;
And even, at one point in my life, meaningful and life-giving.
Here is what I am slowly learning as I try not to give in to my own insanity.
Risking failure is hard.
Trying something and having it not work and admitting that fact, requires humility.
Getting back up…
Trying again…
Taking another chance…
Is harder still.
Yet, the only other option is insanity.
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