Tonight I sat on the front porch.
Just watching.
Until all I could see
Was the outline of the trees
Against the night sky.
Doing my best to find my way.
I am worn out from doing.
The right things.
The needed things.
The important thingsĀ I remind others to do.
I am worn out from doing all the things on my To Do list
Written down there so I won’t forget.
Sitting in the backyard
Watching while the darkness
Crept into the space left empty by the receding light
I realized I need to learn to sit still…again.
To watch.
To listen.
To be quiet long enough
To be.
The most critical religious question of our day is how we will answer the question "Who is my neighbor?"
That which we know and name as God is more about the connections between us than something above us.
And this, from the poet Maya Angelou...
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better."