This morning I woke up about the time I usually do.
I kissed my wife good morning.
We talked about our plans for the day.
I had my morning coffee and then walked the dog.
A very ordinary day.
I went to the grocery store.
The shelves were stocked with rows and rows of food.
More than I would ever want or need.
I filled my shopping cart.
And the card reader accepted my payment as I checked out.
A very ordinary day.
I turned the computer on.
Emails were sent and received.
Work was accomplished.
A very ordinary day.
I said hello to a neighbor as we passed one another on the street.
We stood for a moment and talked.
About family and weather and the news of the day.
A very ordinary day.
I sat on the porch.
Taking a moment to drink in the signs of spring.
Forsythia blooming.
Leaves pushing their way out of bare branches.
A hundred variations of green.
A very ordinary day.
And this evening I will have a comfortable place to sit and relax.
And, a place to be when the day is.
We will talk about the day and what our plans are for tomorrow.
There will be safety and security and the promise of rest.
A very ordinary day.