I walked our dog this morning in a light mist.
Not enough to wear a raincoat or to get wet, but I did wear a hat.
My surroundings look different on mornings like this.
Same street.
Same homes.
Same trees.
But, they take on a distinctness which is different than on bright, sunny days.
It made me think of fall colors
Which, where I live, is not too far away.
I think fall colors are pronounced on gray days than on bright, sunny days.
I wonder if the same is true about our lives.
When all is going well we just go along.
But when we begin to walk through the mist
And, the times of unsettledness and uncertainty
We pay attention in a different way.
The questions become more pronounced.
What do we value?
What is important?
Who do I want to be.
I walked the dog this morning in a light mist.