No, not rest and relaxation.
But, rights and responsibilities.
In all the ongoing discussions about rights…
The recent legislation on guns signed into law in Georgia.
The recent decisions by the Supreme Court about campaign finance.
The recent controversy in Nevada over grazing rights.
What is missing is the corresponding conversation about the responsibility which go alongside the rights we fight for and cherish. I would love to see the NRA which aggressively lobbies for gun rights speak with an equally strong voice about the responsibilities of gun ownership and speak out publicly when an individual or a group shirks that responsibility and misuses guns. I would love to see corporate community which lobbied for a greater role in the political process initiate a serious conversation about corporate responsibility and devise a way they help hold one another responsible for being responsible corporate citizens. I would love to see Cliven Bundy, who declares he has a right to use public land to graze his cattle, also speak about how ranchers and farmers and others use such land responsibly. How much would conversations like that begin to reframe the way we are able to discuss and debate critical issues?
I am sure those conversations are happening.
But the platform right now is too small or too narrow.
We need to find a way to move it to center stage.
Where are the corporate leaders or the gun right leaders or the public land use leaders who are going to stand up and stand there long enough to weather the barrage of negative comments that are sure to come in order to help us move these conversations forward?