“When you pray, move your feet.” – African proverb
Yesterday the Daily News had this as its front page.
It challenged all of us who, in response to tragedy or need or hardship or sorrow, pray.
And, it reminded us that praying without moving our feet is void of power and meaning.
So, to those of us who pray, as we prepare for Christmas, this reminder.
If you pray for peace, somehow and somewhere work for peace and justice and understanding.
If you pray for an end to hunger, help feed those who are hungry.
If you pray for understanding between people, be the who steps towards the stranger.
If you pray for hope, be the one who somehow builds hope where you live.
If you pray for God to be present, be God to another.
I often conclude my prayers with this:
May our lives follow where our prayers first lead.
So, as we prepare for Christmas, may we find the courage to follow our prayers into the wonder and complexity of the world as it is. A world God continues to love so very much.
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