Open our eyes, O God.
And our minds;
And our hearts;
And our hands;
And our spirits;
So that in these everyday moments that add up to a lifetime we can see and recognize and name Your presence with us and among us.
Open us up, even just a crack, so we can see and nameā¦
Your love and compassion and care and forgiveness;
Interwoven in the stories of our own lives;
Turning us;
Leading us;
Guiding us;
In the direction You would have us go.
Shaping us into the people You would have us be.
People doing their best to love the world and everyone in it the way You love the world and everyone in it.
And so, our prayers stretch out from our lives
Large enough and bold enough
To encircle and to embrace those whom we have named and more.
And, as always, O God
We pray that our lives follow where our prayers first lead.
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