Because we are the only building which has the space and is handicapped accessible, for a number of years now our Fellowship Hall has been used as a polling location for the community. Several times a year, we move around the other groups who usually use that space so the community has a place to vote.
My office is directly across from one of the outside doors.
All day I have watched people come and go.
FAR more than people than for any previous election.
And, many of the people who are arriving to vote have not voted in many years.
I know because more than half the people who come in the door turn the wrong way in the hallway before realizing where the voting booths are located.
I am not sure what it means.
People feeling the Bern.
People voting for Hillary.
People who want to make America great again.
People who vote for #nevertrump.
People who are voting because for the first time in many years that the New York primary means something.
Who knows.
It will be interesting to see if what I observe from my office window is replicated in other locations across the state.
What I do know is that today people voted.
More than in most elections.
For whatever reason they showed up.
And, no matter what the results
That is a good thing.
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