For Christians, tonight is Maundy Thursday which marks the last meal Jesus had with his disciples. For those who identify as Christian, the ritual and the words are familiar.
Broken bread.
Poured cup.
“This is my body broken for you.
This is my blood poured out for you.
Eat and drink remembering me.”
But, I wonder…
What if, for so long, we have misheard and misunderstood his words?
What if they are not about sacrifice.
Not about his pending death.
What if, instead, they are a commission.
A charge.
A transferring of power.
My body
My strength
My touch
Is now yours.
I give it to you.
The essence of who I am (which Jews believed flowed in one’s blood) now flows in your blood.
My vision.
My hope.
God’s dream which lived in me now lives in you.
What I did you are now to do.
Who I was you are now to be.
What I taught about God’s Kingdom come close you are now to teach.
And, to live.
What if we understood his words this way?
Would it make a difference?
Powerful and thought provoking
This was shared with me by a family member and now, having found it powerful and thought provoking, I have shared it further.
Easter blessings to you and yours
Hope you and yours are all well.
Thanks for sharing what I wrote. I hope, like you, others find it thought provoking.