Today we remember.
The Last Supper.
The bread broken.
The cup shared.
Today we remember Jesus.
Who he was and what he did.
The gospel’s original greek word which has been translated as remember is anamnesis.
From which we get the English word amnesia.
Anamnesis means against amnesia.
So what we do today is not merely remembering.
Like remembering the milk when we go to the grocery store.
It is refusing to forget.
And so we remember.
What did Jesus do?
He healed.
The paralytic.
The man possessed by demons.
The woman who was bleeding.
Blind Bartimaeus.
What did he do?
He fed those who were hungry.
The 5000.
The disciples on the shore and those on their way to Emmaus.
He fed those who were searching.
And, the woman at the well.
And, Nathaniel who asked if anything good could come out of Nazareth.
What did he do?
He extended a welcome to those who were excluded and looked down upon.
The woman who interrupted Simon’s dinner party to wash his feet.
The woman who pushed her way through the crowd to touch his robe.
The children the disciples tried to keep away.
The Samaritan.
The Canaanite woman.
The Roman officer whose son was dying.
What did he do?
He made the circle which encompassed God’s children larger.
As a colleague said…
Moving the margins until there are no more margins.
The author Frederick Buechner wrote:
“When you remember me it means you carry something of who I am with you. That I have left some mark of who I am on who you are.”
Believing that to be true.
That Jesus has left some mark of who he was on each of us,
Today we remember.
Today we chose not to forget.
Today we claim the mark he left on each of our lives.
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