Call us out, O God.
From all those places where we hide from you and from each other.
Call us out from behind the walls be build
And, from the stereotypes to which we cling
And, from the assumptions and easy certainty
Which avoids the challenging questions which we face.
Call us out, O God.
To life.
To hope.
Towards your promised Kingdom meant for us and for all.
And, as we turn towards You, we can dare to pray.
For all those who have been named in our midst this day.
And, for all those who find themselves in need of health or healing or hope or a reminder of your abiding presence in all the moments of life.
Lord, hear our prayer.
And, added to all those prayers, O God, our prayers of gratitude for the love which surrounds us and for the love which supports us. For the opportunities before us and the responsibilities entrusted to us. For this community of faith with its reminder of who we are and whose we are and who we are called to be.
Lord, hear our prayers.
And, as always, O God,
May our lives follow where our prayers first lead.
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