On one hand, Memorial Day is complicated.
At least for me.
At least for me as I stand in this place.
And, it will be again tomorrow morning as I stand with the community on the Village Green.
Here is what I mean.
Honoring those who have served is not hard.
Remembering and praying for those who have lost their lives or whose lives have been shattered by war, and for their families is not hard. And, we do that today with all due reverence and respect.
What is complicated is that fine line between honoring and glorifying.
Between honoring and remembering those who have served and glorifying war and conflict and violence which, too often, tears apart at least as much as it seeks to hold together. We dare not forget that for those in the middle of it; those caught up in it – soldiers and civilians alike – war is hell. And, the opposite of what God intends. And, the opposite of our best values- either our own or our country’s.
So, today…
I invite you to be for a moment in that uncomfortable place.
A place of remembering and honoring those who have served.
A place of turning towards the very real heartbreak and devastation of war.
A place of pondering what it might take for our tomorrow to be different from our past.
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