This afternoon a young man whom I have known for most of his life took the next “official” step in the process of becoming a minister in and for the Presbyterian Church (USA). I was ask to say something to him as a part of that process.
This is what I wrote (and said).
It was written with Ben in my heart and mind.
But, maybe meant for you and for me, as well.
Ben, let me begin with this:
There is no way. You make it by walking.
So, as you continue your journey…
Know your history.
Honor tradition.
But always lean in the direction of tomorrow;
For that which we know and name as God is more than history and larger than tradition;
And always just beyond what we can name or know.
And, resist platitudes;
And easy answers to challenging questions.
Trust in God who is always understood better as a verb than as a noun.
And, follow Jesus as he plunges into the crowd hungry for bread and for so much more.
Pray deeply.
Dream boldly.
Hold fast to hope.
Do what you can to bend the long arc of history in the direction of God’s Kingdom come.
And, each day…
Be incarnation and practice resurrection.
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