Hurricane Sandy is barreling its way towards the East coast.
Meteorologists are predicting landfall somewhere between the North Carolina coast and Boston. Already parts of Maryland and southern New Jersey are under evacuation orders. Cities from Washington, DC to Boston are making emergency plans. In our area, residents are being urged to take all necessary precautions and to prepare for being without power for several days. Wherever and whenever Sandy comes ashore, those who know predict it will cause a huge amount of destruction. And, I am sure when that happens reporters and pundits and politicians, and even some pastors will talk about it being an act of God.
And they will be wrong!
And, the language they use will add to the damage the storm has already caused.
But there will be acts of God related to the storm.
Thousands of them.
They will be seen and experienced when ordinary people like you and me step up and step forward to help our neighbors in whatever way is needed whether by providing a meal or sharing water or even as something as simple (and necessary!) as providing a place to plug in a phone. And, it will be seen and experienced in all of the repair crews and emergency personnel who work hours on end to restore power or to respond to calls in an effort to help life return to what we name as normal. It will be seen and experienced when those whose homes and lives are turned upside down and inside out are met by strangers who give time and energy and hard earned dollars to help rebuild and to put life and homes back together again.
All those and more will be the REAL acts of God.
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