It works backwards, doesn’t it O God?
Or, at least, counter to the way life usually is for us.
Instead of going faster to catch up we are to slow down if we are to find You.
Slow down in order to catch up…
To the grace which surrounds us:
And to the awareness of life as a gift which grounds us;
And to a sense of Your abiding presence which sustains us.
We are to slow down in order to catch up.
So, in this moment may we do our best to do just that.
Slow down and be quiet enough to listen;
Deeply and intently listen;
So that the still, small voice of Your Spirit has a chance to be heard amidst the clamor of our lives and world.
And, we would breathe deeply…
Giving thanks for the gift of life which we know in this moment which, in the end, is the only moment we every really have.
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