With whatever else our prayers might do or mean, O God;
Maybe they also serve as a reminder.
A reminder…
That gratitude is deeper and richer when it is shared with those for whom we care and who care about us.
That sorrows and burdens are less heavy when others stand with us refusing to let us go.
That sadness may break our hearts, but will not break our lives when there are others who help hold us up.
That hatred and violence and indifference and greed; anything that degrades or defames another human being will not have the final word as long as our voices and our lives together proclaim otherwise.
And, so today we remember, O God…
To give thanks.
To stand with.
To support and to care.
To link our lives and voices and to turn in the direction of hope and Your Grand Dream meant for us and for all.
With that we pray for one another and for the world entrusted, now, to our care and keeping which You continue to love so much.
And, as always, O God…
May our lives follow where our prayers first lead.
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