“Here is the world.
Beautiful and terrible things will happen.
Do not be afraid.” – Frederick Buechner
Tomorrow morning we will recognize the high school seniors who are a part of our congregation who have or will be graduating this month. A third of those who have grown up here will be able to be here. Others will be on the sports field or with family or away for the weekend or busy with something else. I understand all that. I will be grateful for those who carve out the hour or so to be here and I will miss those who are not.
I want all of them to know, that beyond family and friends, we cared for them and about them, and that our caring will not end as they head off to college. I want them to know this is a place to which they can return. They can walk in by themselves or with another. I want them to know this is a place where they can bring their joys and sorrows, their successes and failures. Our doors are open. I want them to know we have done our best to be honest with them and with ourselves. That their questions are allowed, even encouraged. And, that their searching is a part of life. Is life. None of us have all the answers and all of us figure it out as we go.
I want them to know…
And, I want them to walk into the world with confidence and courage. I want them to leave room in their life for mystery. And to have awe and wonder take their breath away. I want them to see how big and wonderful and heartbreaking the world is and can be, and to be wise enough and strong enough to see and to embrace our shared humanity and, in whatever way they are able, to build a world better tomorrow than it is today.
Along with parents and family and friends and teachers, we have done our best to plant and nurture those seeds, and now they take this next step.
To one and all…
Vaya con Dios.
Go with God.
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