The conventions are now over and we can drop the word presumptive.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are now officially the candidates of the two main political parties for President of the United States of America. As you would expect, the platform differences between the two parties on trade, taxation, health care, energy and environment, and gay marriage are significant. To be honest, I understand to the differences on the social justice issues better than I understand the economic/taxation/budgetary differences.
But, after watching and listening and reading reactions to the two conventions there is one other difference which strikes me. While both candidates and campaigns are going to highlight the worst about the other and do all they can to tell us the other is unfit to be President, intentionally or unintentionally the general tone/message of the two conventions leaves us with another question: Are we, as a nation, going to be motivated more by our fears or our hopes?
Over the next several months, it will be interesting to see how we decide to answer this question.
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