Tomorrow night we will sit down for a simple dinner.
Soup and bread.
Nearly 100 of us.
Black. White.
Christian. Jew. Muslim. Unitarian. None.
Mostly adults, but there will be some children and youth.
There would be more if we had more space.
The most important part of the evening will be the conversation.
How are you?
My name is…
I live in…
I am here because….
It has been good to meet you!
No agenda.
No political action.
No problem to address.
Just getting to know each other.
Putting name and face together.
Talking with another who we may see, but do not know.
Talking with another who share the same community space with us, but who we really have never “seen.” Maybe creating something of that idyllic space where “everyone knows your name” in a part of the country which is anything but that.
Who is my neighbor?
Tomorrow we will begin to find out.
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