I am sure you know what it feels like to love someone so much that some part of them is with you all the time.
In your heart.
In your mind.
In your soul.
In your being.
No matter where you are.
No matter where they are.
Years ago, the wife of the man who first hired me to work in a church passed away. One day several weeks after his wife died, I remember John walking into the office and saying, “I went home last night and talked with Jean (his wife) for 15 minutes before I remembered she wasn’t there.” I just listened then not quite knowing what to say, but now I think maybe she was.
At least for those few minutes.
And, as many of you know, my Dad died this last February.
Rarely does a day go by when I do not think about him or remember something he did or said or feel his presence with me.
Remember I am with you always.
I found myself thinking about this not only in relation to John Burton and to my Dad, though I am sure that was and is a part of those strands of thought which come together over time for me. But even more, these thoughts came together as I thought about this morning. And about Arvind and Neha and Avika and Ayven being here. And,about how parents love their children. About how you love your children or grandchildren. Or, your Moms and your Dads. Or, your partners or spouses.
Loving them even when they are far away or you are far away.
Time and distance don’t matter.
They are there.
Some part of them with you.
Some part of you with them.
Your heart goes walking around outside your body.
“I love you this much.” is what I said to our sons when they were little.
“I love you to the moon and back.”
Even though they are now far away my love still reaches out to them that much.
Remember I am with you always.
All of that matters.
A lot.
In fact, I am not sure what my life would be like without that love and connection and support and strength. It is what stands me up and what holds me together. But, in addition to all that, on this Sunday morning, I also found myself thinking about this.
What if there is something about God that is like that?
Like the love we have for those whom we love the most.
However you think about or imagine or talk about God.
What if God’s love…
Or, God’s presence…
Or, God’s grace…
Or, God’s forgiveness…
Or, God’s anything…
Is something like that love which we wrap around our children’s lives or our partners’ lives?
Whether our children are six or sixty.
Of somewhere in between.
Even when they don’t know it.
Or, aren’t aware of it.
Or, caught up, as they often are, in the day in, day out of their own lives.
“Remember I am with you always.” Jesus said.
According to Matthew, the last thing he said to his disciples. His friends.
I am with you always.
Good days and bad.
Successes and failures.
Joys and sorrows.
And, all the ordinary days in between.
Whether you know it or not.
Feel it or not.
Believe it or not.
I am with you.
We know this is true with and for those whom we love.
Today I wonder…
Maybe it is also true of God.
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