I know it is just politics.
Each year at this time, some public figure says Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas, or they light up a Holiday Tree rather than a Christmas Tree and the pundits are off and running. All of it has become fodder for the 24 hour news outlets, the comedy satires and, now, a political ad for Governor Rick Perry. Most of the time I ignore it, doing my best to tune out the din and to pay attention to what is in front of me.
But today it got me thinking.
If I take Christmas seriously…
By that I mean that Christmas is more about God than gifts…
More about…
God coming;
God with us;
That which is Holy mixing it up with my humanity and your humanity so that we can never look at each other in quite the same way. (Was it C.S. Lewis who said, “You have never met a mere mortal.”?) then there can be no war on Christmas because Christmas does not depend one iota on you and me. It doesn’t need our gift giving. It doesn’t care whether we say Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday. It doesn’t even require our going to a church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. It just happens.
Thank God!
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