I have always found this quote provocative…
“If they get you answering the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.”
Today, I am thinking about what the right questions might be.
What prompted this was an article I read a month or so ago and saved so I could write about it in a parenting blog to which I am an occasional contributor. I realized the questions these parents ask their children each day are the right questions. The type of questions I need to be asking myself each day. And, not just ask myself, but be able to answer.
Where was I kind today?
Where was I brave today?
Where did I take the risk to try something new or learn something new or stretch beyond what was safe and comfortable?
To those three questions, I could add a couple more.
For what I am grateful for today?
What did I learn that was new today?
Asking these questions will help me become the type of person I long to be.
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