The idea of the Kingdom of God stands at the very center of the life and witness of Jesus.
For him, it didn’t refer to heaven or to what happens or where we go after we die.
For Jesus, the Kingdom of God was possible and visible in each and every moment of our lives if we were able to see it and live it.
The Biblical scholar, Marcus Borg, describes the Kingdom of God this way:
“It would be what life on earth would be like if God were in charge and others weren’t.
If God were King and Caesar wasn’t.”
In the Gospels, Jesus often describes the Kingdom of God is short similes.
The Kingdom of God is like a seed…
The Kingdom of God is like a hidden treasure…
The Kingdom of God is like the yeast…
For whatever reason, in the last couple weeks, I have found myself thinking about how I would describe the Kingdom of God using images and experiences that are a part of my everyday life. So, in an effort to notice what Jesus said was “in our midst,” I am going to do my best to pay attention and to share my reflections. Here is my first…
The Kingdom of God is like what you see in the eyes of a child who discovers a flower for the very first time.
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