I am pretty sure I know the reason why so many Republican members of Congress and so many evangelical Christians are putting up with President Trump. And, for some, not just putting up with him, but twisting themselves in knots to explain their support of him. The reason is they are getting what they most want. Conservative judges and justices who will shape the judiciary and with that the framework for our lives for a generation. To achieve that goal they are silent in the face obvious lies and the public shaming of others and turn a blind eye to abuse and infidelity and an expectation of a basic morality which, if were another person, would elicit their outrage and public condemnation. And because they can, in order to get what they want, they change the rules and change their story and trample on accepted norms and practices.
After all, they tell themselves and whisper to each other, the ends justify the means.
But there is a cost.
The politicization of our courts.
The growing distrust of our elected officials and our form of government.
Seeing the hypocrisy, people turning their backs on religious traditions and institutions.
A deepening divide in our country and in our neighborhoods.
Others have probably said it, but I first came upon it in college when I was studying the independence movement in India lead by the lawyer, Mohandas Gandhi. He rejected the notion of the ends justifying the means. Instead, he said, the tactics you use to achieve your goals are as crucial as the goals themselves. If you believe your goals are honorable how you achieve your goals must also be honorable. If you believe your goals holy the means you use to achieve your goals must also be holy. If they are not, the goal you desire will be tarnished.
They may very well get what they want, but the damage has already been done.
To their reputations.
To their integrity.
To our communities.
To our country.
Robert Farr says
September 21, 2018 at 12:22 pmAgreed… the damage has already been done, by so many “establishment” politicians and poweful elite (along with the rest of us). Trump is just the icing on the cake. Trump is making sure that damage is irreversable, short of supernatural devine intervention.
America has NEVER been an “exceptional” country, because God never ordained for there to be any such things as exceptional countries. America can’t be made great again, because America has never been great. Our miniscule 200+ years of supposed greatness has NEVER been a spiritual greatness, only an economic and military power that mostly happened to us, mostly in spite of us, primarily the result of geography and sin.
In the beginning, God created the heavens, the earth, and (sinful) mankind… He didn’t create America! A bunch of sinful protestant pilgrims and colonials came along and decided to create America, thinking they knew better, just like the British, than God knew how to “govern” His children. And now, a bunch of sinful people (like me and every American) live here in this God-forsaken “country” and continue our destructive legacy of sinful American inhumanity.
Thankfully, our God is a Savior, who offers forgiveness and the opportunity to _try_ (and fail) to follow Him… we ALL choose every day to NOT follow Him, and we can NEVER achieve sinlessness, but we CAN accept salvation.