What would I wish for you today
If I had a magic wand;
Or a wish to make upon a star;
Or one final wish to be made at my command?
What would I wish just for you?
Maybe this.
I would wish for you a vision;
A dream big enough and bold enough and brave enough
To match both your spirit
And the wonder and the complexity of the world as it is.
I would wish for room in your life for wonder and mystery.
I would wish for room in your life for beauty and grace.
I would wish for you to find your way
Through the sorrow and disappointment,
Which is sure to come,
To the life which awaits you on the other side.
I would wish for you a sense of gratitude,
Deep and ever deepening gratitude,
Which opens you up to the promise of life.
If I had a wand to wave or a wish to make
This would be my wish for you.