Remind us of strength, O God.
The strength to care.
The strength to share.
The strength we can lean on
When we find life hard or challenging or painful.
Remind us of grace, O God.
A grace which heals.
A grace which opens us to hope.
A grace which meets us in the midst of each day
And turns our lives in new directions.
Remind us of Your dream, O God.
A dream of swords into plowshares.
A dream of a table large enough for all.
A dream of a time and a place where all are named and welcomed
As sisters and brothers.
And recognized as children of God.
Remind us of gratitude, O God.
For love which sustains.
For food enough.
For who we are called to be.
Remind us, O God, that Thank you is our first and our best prayer.
Remind us, O God.