May our prayers today and always, O God, be more than just lip service.
More than just words we say however sincere or heartfelt they are in the moment we say them.
Instead, may they our prayers be that which cracks open our hearts.
Making space
And, more space
For compassion and gratitude and kindness and care.
May our prayers reaching out lead to hands reaching out
In whatever ways we are able
And in whatever situation or circumstance to which You call us, O God.
May it be so in this moment as we pray.
And, there are more, O God.
Always more.
More for which we say Thank you.
More for whom we are concerned.
More healing needed.
More hope needed.
More which we remember and name in this moment.
More than just with our words, O God;
May we, also, learn to pray with our lives.