“Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.” – Luke 2: 19
Pondering, I think, has something to do with deep reflection and introspection and dreaming.
My guess is Mary’s pondering didn’t start with the words of the shepherds.
Nor did it end with them.
I think pregnancy and pondering must naturally walk hand in hand.
How can you not dream about and wonder about that which is so intimately you
And not you all at the very same time.
And maybe as the weight of the baby increases, the pondering increases as well.
Which makes me wonder…
(which, in this case, is a part of my job!)
What is it that is pregnant within me?
What kernel of an idea?
What new possibility?
What new life?
Which right now, may be barely noticeable,
but as I pay attention to it and nurture it, it grows within me
And deepens my reflection and introspection.
And, my pondering
Until that something new
Is born
And, I am changed