- Visit to the doctor’s office
- Robo call to tell me our public schools are failing. (They are not.)
- Headlines across my social media feed from the shooting of an armed black man in South Carolina to Dick Cheney saying Obama wants to “take down America.”
- News that a young woman has cancer and is facing chemotherapy.
- Meeting. Meeting. Email. Email. Email. Meeting. Meeting.
- Grey. Chilly. Drizzle. Isn’t it supposed to be Spring?
All in all, a normal day.
And, then this.
Lean into hope.
And I am reminded that somewhere in the midst of the craziness and drudgery and ordinariness and headlines of each day I need to lean that direction. I need to say thank you. And, to say it again. I need to notice the smile of the person who passes me on the village street. I need to enjoy my dog who welcomes me home. I need to remember the million people who got up this morning and have done their best to do their best. And, the million people who not only did their best, but took a moment to do their best for someone else.
I need to remember to lean in the direction of hope.