I wrote what is posted below after the shooting a month ago in Las Vegas.
I was right. We have not hit bottom.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Now there is this.
26 people killed and another 20 people wounded in a mass shooting in a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. No that is not correct.
Everyone in that church….
Everyone in that community….
And many of the rest of us, in not all of us, are also wounded in some way by the violence and the craziness and our indifference and inability and unwillingness to make any changes at all that would save people’s lives. A line from one of the articles I read today about the shooting said, “Someone who is alive and walking around today is the next victim of a mass shooting.”
I wonder if you know that person.
If we are going to pray, maybe we should pray for forgiveness.
This is what I wrote a month ago…
The number of people killed or wounded in the shooting in Las Vegas:
59 killed. More than 500 wounded.
The cause: mental illness.
Not his, but ours.
Yours and mine.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting a different result.
Orlando, FL
San Bernardino, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Roseburg, OR
Chattanooga, TN
Charleston, SC
Isla Vista, CA
Fort Hood, TX
Washington, DC
Newtown, CT
Do I need to go on?
It is easy to just point fingers and to blame others.
Gun manufacturers.
But, finger pointing and blaming is part of the illness.
I am afraid we have not hit the bottom yet, because we have not yet decided we need to get better.