“Put yourself in the path of lightening.” She said.
I immediately jotted what she said down so I wouldn’t forget.
Something in those words called out to me catching me off guard with their insight and truth. Yet, at the same time, their wisdom runs counter to who I am and who we are and how we tend to live.
We crave safety and security and certainty.
We are rewarded for careful planning and deliberate, well thought out reasoning.
All of which is important in its own right.
But, lightening is none of those things.
It is uncontrollable and disruptive and powerful beyond our knowing.
It is anything but safe.
And, often, downright scary.
This morning I, once again, found myself pondering the meaning of those words scribbled now on a file folder which sits on my desk. What might it mean for us to risk putting ourselves – wherever we are and however we are – in the path of lighting? To put ourselves In a place or a position where our carefully made plans can be turned inside out or upside down in an instant? Where we can be stopped in our tracks and turned around and changed forever because of a new idea, a new insight, a new person, a new experience or a new risk we take?
And, what do those words mean for me right here and right now when I am pretty sure the safe and certain and secure is not what is needed in my life right now? When my best instincts tell me that the way forward involves risking that which is beyond my knowing, and certainly beyond my ability to predict or control?
Can I take the chance and put myself in the path of lightening?