It all started with a dream, didn’t it?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…
But even that grand dream was limited.
It didn’t include women.
Or those who were enslaved.
Or Native Americans.
Or so many others.
Including wave after wave of immigrants.
Who risked all.
To get here!
To be a part of this grand dream.
Immigrants including my great, great grandparents.
And maybe yours as well.
Maybe even just your parents.
We have never been the nation we imagined and dreamed that could be.
We have continually fallen short.
Sometimes woefully short.
Sometimes by just a bit.
But we have kept working on it.
Doing what we can to make today better than yesterday.
And the reality we know closer to the dream we imagine.
Working on it then like we are working on it today.
For all our failings
And shortfalls
And greed
And short-sightedness
It is this dream which makes America great.
And not tanks in the street.
Or soldiers marching in step.
Or jets streaking overhead.
Those are a dime a dozen.
But that dream!
All are created equal.
Unalienable rights.
Life. Liberty. Happiness.
Liberty and justice for all.
That is worth holding onto.
And making better.
And celebrating today.