On of the quotes that is written on a file folder that often sits on my desk is by Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi for the British Commonwealth. It reads:
“We cannot get to heaven by creating hell on earth.”
What is happening in Syria (and other places as well) is hell on earth.
Governments debate possible responses.
Most of which, it seems to me, only adds to the hell we are creating.
Most of us, weary of war and news from the Middle East, just want to turn away.
I can’t do anything about the Syrian civil war and the atrocities being committed by both sides, but rereading Rabbi Sacks quote I realized that I can do something. If we can create hell on earth, we can also create heaven on earth. And, what I can do is to do my part to help create some small piece of heaven. Somewhere. Somehow. And, to do so with all of the awareness and conviction and intentionality I can muster. To purposefully create heaven in outright defiance of those who are doing their best to create hell.
A glass of water shared with someone who is thirsty may not seem like much in the face of nerve gas and bombs. But it is something. It is facing forward and not just turning away. It is grabbing hold of heaven and refusing to let go.