We spent Labor Day Weekend painting and cleaning our kitchen.
Not the kitchen where we live
But the kitchen where we are going to live.
For 40+ years, the week following Labor Day has been marked by a frantic push to have everything ready to launch into the fall. Ongoing programs ready. New programs planned. Dates through Advent and Christmas locked into my calendar. Of course everything was never completely ready, but I tried.
This year is different.
With retirement on the horizon the focus is more on letting go rather than gearing up.
Letting others rather than doing it myself.
Not something I am used to.
Or, very good at.
For as unfamiliar as it is
As I step back from what has been
I want to step towards the moments at hand.
For these moments hold the gift of being holy moments for me.
Only here now.
But never again.
If I miss them they will be gone.
Lost both to me and to the others around me who I care so much about.
May I pay attention.