Like many of you, I have been both appalled and angered by the the rhetoric and irresponsibility of Donald Trump.
He demeans others.
He condones, even encourages, violence.
He deflects criticism by turning it into blame. Blaming anyone but himself.
Purposefully, I have resisted writing anything about it.
Until today.
What prompted the change was not anything Mr. Trump did or said, but the above picture and quote which I saw and shared with a group of friends this morning. As I lived with those words today, I realized that besides not voting for him, one of the things I can do to counteract his bigotry is to intentionally be and act differently. To not let his words and actions ensnare me so that I respond in kind. The intentionality is as important as the action because it means I am paying attention to what I am doing and why I am doing it rather than just going through my daily routine.
So, this is what I resolve.
With the ferociousness of his hateful speech, I will do my best to treat others with respect. With the intensity of the jeers of the crowds who respond to what he says, I will do my best to speak kindly to others. As he says no to women and immigrants and those with disabilities, I will do my best to extend welcome and to say no to any hateful or harmful rhetoric which I hear.
I will do my best to act from the best of who I am and not from the worst of who he is.