I forget exactly how he said it, but I remember the point.
And, I forget what we were talking about or making a decision about, but we were clear about what we needed to do. And, we anticipated there would be opposition and/or some who would disagree.
“You do what we need to do,” he said. “I will clear the way.”
And, he did.
He ran the interference.
He took the heat.
So we could do what we had all agreed needed to be done.
As I said, I forget what we were talking about, but I remember the lesson.
As I moved from being a junior staff member to being the one with the final say, I did my best to follow his example. Clearing time and space and resources so others could pursue the goals we had determined were important. Taking the heat when that was needed. Absorbing the anger of others so those who worked with me could continue the important work they were doing.
I found myself thinking about that again today.
While I hope, with the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, our political landscape will shift, I don’t think it will. Republican leadership has already signaled that it won’t. They are already planning for and working towards the 2024 election. The political stalemate will continue.
So, what we are left with is this.
I hope President Biden and Vice President Harris will clear the way so that state governments which want to move forward and local governments which want to move forward can do so with space and creativity and energy and resources. I hope President Biden and Vice President Harris will clear the way so you and I can move forward without the knot in our stomach caused by the instability and the erratic behavior of the leadership (or lack of it) in the White House.
I don’t know how to bring “healing” to our very divided country.
I don’t know how to change the mind and attitude of the 71 million or so fellow citizens who voted for President Trump other than creating new options and opportunities, and demonstrating that a different, more inclusive way of seeing our country and world actually makes life better for all of us.
If they can do that…
If we can do that…
Then maybe.
First, let’s hope.
Then, let’s get to work.