To better serve you, our menu options have changed.
Please listen carefully.
After listening…carefully I push #1.
Then #2.
Then #1 again.
What I really need doesn’t match any other the menu options.
I say, “Customer Service.”
The reply is, “I didn’t understand your response.”
And I am returned to the main menu to start all over again.
When I finally get to speak with someone I explain the situation and what is needed. “We can’t do that.” I am told as they go on to explain the problem and options which I had just finished explaining to them. Everyone is following their script. No one is authorized to solve the problem. No one is there who can look at my bill payment history for 15+ years and recognize I have been a long term customer and have paid my bills each month and say, “Let me figure this out for you.”
I know the person on the other end of the phone is not the problem, but they are the person on the other end of the phone and the only person that I have been able to reach after endless prompts and 20 minutes of canned music while I am on hold. I wish I could say, “Do you want me as a customer or not?” But with some services there are few other viable options and I am not sure that customer service and ability to address issues is any better. After an hour on the phone I said, “Thank you for your help.” and hung up. Nothing was resolved except some form will be sent to me in the mail.
I think of myself as a patient person, but…
I hung up the phone and went for a walk.