I went for a walk this morning.
Exercise my excuse for my morning prayer.
Maybe I pray better moving than sitting still.
I saw three other people out this morning.
Two walking.
One standing in their front yard.
I wonder if that first Palm Sunday was more like my walk this morning than a procession with adoring, shouting crowds waving palm branches.
I have always been a bit skeptical about the way the Gospels depict Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. I am sure there were other pilgrims from the surrounding countryside making their way into the city for the celebration of Passover. But I also know there was heighten security in the city. Roman legions patrolling the streets. Alert for any sign of disturbance or trouble or insurrection. Would those authorities have permitted a wholesale procession in defiance of Rome to proceed uninterrupted?
As I said. I am skeptical.
Instead, maybe Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was more like my walk this morning. Other people around him, but Jesus walking alone wrapped up in his own thoughts and prayers. Maybe the “Hosanna! Blessed in the One who comes in the name of the Lord.” was more the mantra he said over and over to himself as a way to focus his attention and to do his best to find the strength and the courage he would need for what was to come.
Who knows?
Palm Sunday 2020.
I went for a walk this morning.
I don’t know who or when or how, but may it be again.
My prayer this morning.
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.